This Physical Education - AS Level is a one-year course that should be taken alongside two or three other subjects and the Welsh Baccalaureate.
It may be possible to take this course as a part-time student.
The course will enable learners to:
• Develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance.
• Understand how physiological and psychological states affect performance.
• Understand the key socio-cultural factors that influence people’s involvement in physical activity and sport.
• Understand the role of technology in physical activity and sport.
• Refine their ability to perform effectively in physical activity and sport by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas.
• Develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance.
• Understand the contribution which physical activity makes to health and fitness.
• Improve as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with curious and enquiring minds.
There is one end of year assessment; a practical assessment as a performer, a coach and official in one sport, production of a personal performance profile.
Individual Subject Entry Requirement C in Biology Higher or BB in Double Award or B in GCSE P.E Coaching, practical performance and performance profiles contribute 40% towards PE A level. For this reason it is essential that learners actively participate in at least one sport.
End of year practical assessment
CAVC is a great place to study A Levels – the teachers, the support, the facilities and social experience has been so good – I’m delighted to have gained all A’s in my AS exams. The support to apply and prepare for university is brilliant and I’m looking forward to progressing after college.
On completion of the A Level programme, the majority of our students progress onto universities across the country and beyond. Based on this course, there are many options but below are just a few examples of degree programmes you could go on to study at University: