The Drama and Theatre Studies AS programme is a one year course of study and should be taken in conjunction with two or three other subjects and the Welsh Baccalaureate. Based at our City Centre campus in Cardiff, learners may be able to take this qualification as a part-time student. AS Drama and Theatre Studies is designed to broaden experience, develop imagination, whilst fostering creativity and personal and social development. It is essential that any student wishing to study drama at this level should be highly dedicated and motivated, prepared to put in extra time and effort in order to complete the background reading and rehearse for the practical assessment.
During the course the following areas will be covered:
AS Unit 1: Theatre Workshop
Non-exam assessment: internally assessed (24% of A level qualification, 90 marks)
Students must participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of theatre based on a reinterpretation of an extract from a text chosen from a list supplied by WJEC.
The piece must be developed using the techniques and working methods of either an influential theatre practitioner or a recognised theatre company.
Students must produce:
AS Unit 2: Text in Theatre
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes (16% of A level qualification, 60 marks)
Open book: Clean copies of the complete text studied must be taken into the exam.
The exam will consist of a series of questions based on one performance text from a list provided by WJEC.
Individual Subject Entry Requirements English Language minimum B
CAVC is a great place to study A Levels – the teachers, the support, the facilities and social experience has been so good – I’m delighted to have gained all A’s in my AS exams. The support to apply and prepare for university is brilliant and I’m looking forward to progressing after college.
On completion of the A Level programme, the majority of our students progress onto universities across the country and beyond. Based on this course, there are many options but below are just a few examples of degree programmes you could go on to study at University: