This is a one-year course of study and should be taken alongside two or three other subjects and the Welsh Baccalaureate. It may be possible to take this course as a part-time student.
This course follows on from AS Drama and Theatre Studies course.
Successful completion of AS programme including satisfactory attendance and tutor recommendation.
A2 Drama and Theatre Studies covers the following two units:
UNIT 3: Exploration of Dramatic Performance - 40% (Coursework and Performance Examination in December)
Students will devise, write and perform an original piece of theatre, based on a set stimulus. Students will keep a structured record of the entire process including the performance and responses by the audience.
UNIT 4: Theatre Text in Context - 60% (Written Examination)
Early Greek & Shakespearian Theatres - students will learn the theatre style for each period and play and how different directors have produced them since. They will also explore their own ideas for directing these plays.
Texts studied are: Lysistrata by Aristophanes and Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare.
Successful completion of AS programme including satisfactory attendance and tutor recommendation.
CAVC is a great place to study A Levels – the teachers, the support, the facilities and social experience has been so good – I’m delighted to have gained all A’s in my AS exams. The support to apply and prepare for university is brilliant and I’m looking forward to progressing after college.
On completion of the A Level programme, the majority of our students progress onto universities across the country and beyond. Based on this course, there are many options but below are just a few examples of degree programmes you could go on to study at University: